Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
sanam jee......u know.....i made the mistake of visiting this topic before i watched the last episode of the drama and i read your message. lol. i was SO upset cause i thought humayon dies, and i was like.....'CRAP'!!
i watched the rest anyways and 2 my delight...nobody died! U LIED sanam jee!!!!!! u got me!! lol. shame on u!!! (j/k)
yas yaar......nice drama! ur lucky nobody died in the end!! now i trust u and ur taste in dramas!
i was still a little depressed tho....what the hell kind of ending was that?! issay behtar kisi ki death hojati to acha tha. lol. this way i'm left wondering.....what happends to my favorite sadia?! he divorced her, and she gave her kid to amna where does she go now!?!?!! but overall it was aiight! reccommend another please!!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
good 4 u yaar! here's another thing we have in common....we're traditional/old fashioned. insha'allah whenever i get married, it'll be arranged. i'll have a 0.1% say in it as well, but my parents will pick! i'm proud of u yaar!
now that u r taken, i can have amna shiffat, zara sheikh and anyone else u might like, all to myself. lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
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i hope she lives up 2 her word.
usually when a pakistani director claims their movie will release worldwide....they mean pakistan, london and dubai. lol. they best include canada and the u.s. too this time.
Age: 125
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faradiya said:
what do you think 3004 mein duniya kesi ho gey ?
aap 3004 ki baat kar rahain hain....according to 1700 of the worlds leading scientists, we have until the year 2075.
according to studies, our generation has used up more natural resources (water, oil, trees etc.) in the last 50 years, than ALL OF HUMANITY before us!! if we continue at this rate, by the year 2075, we will have used up EVERYTHING. and whoever is left, will start behaving like cavemen and fight over small things, like water. sad but tru.
and experts also predict that in the VERY NEAR future....the united states will be replaced as the world's superpower by CHINA!
Age: 125
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¥Á§-D said:
i can understand if u've been watchin it for so long...but don't u think its pretty fake...when they hit each other
i don't mind him makin movie...(not a big wwe fan)
its fake??? get outta here! lol. (j/k)
yaar i know its fake, but its a soap opera 4 guys. thats the best way i can put it.
plus....the only part that's fake is the fact that the matches are choreographed. other than that...the bumps they take are 100% real. i respect that they put on a show, just 2 entertain us fans. thats y i watch!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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lol. meri kismat....the stupid place where i got the video's from gave me a bad copy. so i'm on the last tape, and i can't see jack all. lol. i can hear, but i can't see. i'm givin 'em back 2day and getting the same drama from another joint. this bites. i wanna know what happends to anma haq!!!
Age: 125
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lol @ the ustaad!
don't u guys feel sorry 4 aunty saima??!! first her buddy sayed noor gave her role to sadia imam, and now she's having to play an older role in drama's. what more do u guys want?! lol.
Age: 125
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................ ......... .........on second thought...4get it. lol. i'll watch!! but if she dies....i'm never watching a drama that u reccommend. lol. EVERYONE always dies. lol. she better live yas!! lol (j/k)
Age: 125
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bro i'm tellin' u....i was in tears when sadia's character 'died.' lol.
i'm into the 8th or 9th episode and here's what i think:
humayon's actin' is typical humayon. great as usual. but not as good as mendhi (atleast not yet)
amna haq....MUCH MUCH MUCH better than in mendhi. i have a new respect for her. after watching mendhi i was pissed that she won the award 4 best actress. but after seeing singhaar...she's gained some points in my eyes!
but the showstopper...the show-stealer....the main event....SADIA IMAM!!! BRILLIANT acting.....especially when she comes back home and see's everyone. when she kicks amna's ass for takin' her husband and her baby. LOL. i'm sayin' can someone cry...and look good @ the same time?!?! ONLY SADIA!!! lol.
one question tho.....amna haq's character is going to die, isn't she?! she'll have the baby and then die??? am i right???
Age: 125
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nope! it will ALWAYS be the wwF as far as i'm concerned!i know they've changed the name but its gay now. i've watched since i was 4 years old! i'm an old school wrestling fan, so the name will ALWAYS be wwF for me!!
as 4 the rock.....he comes and goes. thats what i hate about him. i know he's makin' crazy money in hollywood but he shouldn't 4get his roots...the people who MADE him a star. he should give equal time to wrestling and hollywood....not 90% hollywood and 10% wrestling!!!
Age: 125
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i'll look 4 gia ali's pic and match it with the girl in the drama.....if its gia ali, then u'll be right. lol.
but yo man....u never told me sadia's character 'dies.' lol. 4 the 20-30 minutes that the audience thinks she was dead......i was so depressed. lol. then they showed she was really alive, and i was cool. phew! lol.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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same here. lol. but i only bought it cause i'm a loyal wwf fan! and rock will always be a part of the wwf. otherwise the movie was not as good as rundown..
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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lol @ xtreme. age don't matter boss....its all abt the music, and fuzon's music appeals to young and old alike! i promise u, u won't be disapointed when u listen 2 'em.
lol @ sanam. u wish u were in texas?! LOL. of all the
i like the weather during the fall season. cold, but no snow 2 worry abt. perfect! i only have 2 rake the leaves off the driveway which is 10x better than shovelling snow!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
LOL. i'm sure it was a 1-time problem. if u order again, it'll come sooner i bet....
the quality of mehndi is wicked. i just don't like the cover for the 2 dics. its 2 thin, and i think the picture is photocopied. lol. but its all good....
and abt u know the real name of the broad that plays 'mini'?? she looks so freakin' familiar. she looks retarded when she plays the guitar tho, especially when she's depressed.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
sanam411 said:
yeah i will!.....ill let her know that u said *WUZZUP*....
naa it didnt bother me...and plus i really didnt care...u know i was so happy to be in pakistan...that u know i didnt care about the heat!...i miss pak!...
howz the weather in canada....
its cold up here...raining...
atta girl!! screw the heat!! its all abt being in pakistan!! here in day its 26 degrees and the next day its 18. lol. we can't make up our minds. lol
i would kill 2 be in your kind of weather! i love the rain.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
btw peeps....
i was watching a tribute done by indus music, for noor jehan. among the stars at the show: nadeem, fariha pervaiz, model fiza ali, zille huma, bushra ansari, FUZON, and many more. from india...mahesh bhatt, dilip kumar, and naushaad were present just 2 name a few.
all the performances were aiight, but FUZON's was by far the best. they sang an old noor jehan song, and gave it their TYPICAL fusion element which made it so AWSOME. meahwhile noor jehan's own daughter sang an old song horribly. lol. goes 2 show that modern music is getting better (blending classical with pop).